Support Us
Eating Disorder
Support (CAMHS)
SORTED is our peer 2 peer support to people with all types of eating disorders including their carers, families and friends
For more information on Sorted, please click on the on logo
Eating Disorder Support (CAMHS)
Service overview
“MHM Wales works alongside the CAMHS service to provide intervention in the form of wellbeing groups. Two groups are provided for intervention which we facilitate alongside camhs. The first group is Emotional Wellbeing which includes information and skills around General Wellbeing, Emotions, Self-Esteem and Social Media and Diet. The second group is Anxiety Management that includes information and skills around What is Anxiety?, The Vicious Cycle of Anxiety, Diet, Sleep, Social Media and Exercise and Grounding skills and Techniques.
The young people we work with are expected to put this information and skills into practice to help reduce their mental health”.
For more information
Please contact SammyJo on
01656 651450
Please note:
This service is only available to people residing in the Cwm Taf Morgannwg Footprint