Support Us
MHM Wales provides information outreach services at our Wellbeing Hubs, Dementia hubs local hospital settings, community events, other 3rd sector venues and statutory service settings.
The information officer is also available, at our Bridgend office, to answer enquiries from people with mental health issues and their families and friends as well as from health professionals.
The Information officer provides information on:
Mental and emotional health issues.
National and local mental health services.
Other statutory and voluntary services available nationally and locally.
Directories of mental and emotional health related services for adults.
Telephone help lines.
The information officer also maintains the website which provides information on mental health and wellbeing services and projects in the Bridgend Borough.
If you are a mental health 3rd sector or statutory organisation who provides services available to members of the public within Bridgend Borough and would like to have these services advertised on the grapevines website please contact our information officer (Donna) on the telephone number or email below.
Click on the above animation or here to view
Our directory website ( includes information and links to training providers, support groups, wellbeing centres, doctor’s surgeries and information on new projects and services within the borough of Bridgend.
It’s not all digital however, information sessions around the County Borough remain an important aspect of the work and regular sessions are held at schools, colleges and Universities, Wellbeing Centres, Community Events, Talks, Forums and Conferences.
Drop in sessions have been implemented in the local colleges and the information officer has been able to signpost people attending to various projects and support groups.
Information sessions have also been given at a number of organisations throughout the County to promote a range of services accessible. Organisations such as BCBC. Jobcentre, Deaf society and Mind have all benefited from this networking and being able to pass the information on and signpost clients to relevant support.
The information officer has attended a number of interfaith events, enabling third sector and faith groups to work together, again understanding what help and information is out there to be able to signpost people to. The Muslim council for Wales hosted a networking event of over 400 people which again gave the information officer an opportunity to discuss the information and services available in Bridgend County.
The healthcare professionals and the Information officer have been working together to benefit from each other’s information and knowledge. Talks, advice and information have taken place at doctor’s surgeries, hospitals and to members of health boards across Wales.
For more information, please contact our Information Officer, Donna Mason
Union Offices, Quarella Road, Bridgend, CF31 1JW
01656 767045